All Episodes

Displaying episodes 31 - 51 of 51 in total

Body Language: Acceptance

How do we communicate with each other, interrelate with each other, even when we're different? Pastor Dave gets into accepting people of all stripes and allowing God t...

Body Language: Forgiveness

One of the hardest lessons for the Christian church--forgiveness. Do it for God, do it for you, and do it for new life and freedom.

Body Language Week 1: Words Matter

Our words and actions matter to others. We have the ability to speak words of life or words of death. As a follow of Jesus, be encouraged to speak words of life to tho...

Happy Mother's Day

Character is incredibly important. It distinguishes who is dependable and trustworthy from those who are not. As we celebrate Mother's Day, let us learn as women, men,...

The Good Shepherd

We have a good shepherd who loves and cares for us. Who lays down his life so that we can feel protected, secure, and safe.

Road to Emmaus

Don't miss out on Jesus who walks with you!

It is still Easter!

Easter doesn't end on the Sunday that our calendars say Easter. Easter continues each and every day when we claim that we believe in in the resurrected Lord! Discover ...

Palm Sunday: Expectations

Do you ever place expectations on God only to find that they are unmet? Did you ever consider that God might have better plans and expectations than yours?

Peter's Denial

As followers of Jesus, we will have a choice to make. Will we acknowledge that we know Jesus or will we deny him? What will you choose?

The Sinful Woman

It is amazing how God uses the most unexpected people to teach us a lesson. In this message, hear how God used an uninvited guest to give us an example of true worship.

The Woman at the Well

Learning from Jesus as he sees the value in people unlike himself, crosses cultural barriers, and brings the hope of living water with all.

Jesus Made Me Do It!

Have you ever been forced to do something that you didn't want to do but in the end it turned out to be the best decision? Often times this happens in our faith. Learn...


A revival is taking place in Wilmore, Kentucky! Should we go? What if I told you a revival could start right where we are?

The Good Samaritan

How an ancient and worldwide text can challenge us today.

Genesis 22: Following God Faithfully

How do we follow God faithfully, even when it's hard? Pastor Jen delves into Genesis 22 and tests of faith.This is a difficult passage! God asks Abraham to make an inc...

Jesus in the Wilderness

Directly following his baptism, Jesus does begin to minister, Jesus is called into the wilderness for preparation. This message takes a look at what Jesus did before e...

Acts 2

As Bryan Community Church begins, we are challenged to learn from and implement the necessary elements of God's church. As a member of any local congregation, we are c...

Christmas Joy and a Messiah's Hope

Christmas brings such a special time of joy and hope - we should be excited to RUN out and tell the world that the Messiah was born!

Grief, Hope, and Christmas

Christmas is a time of joy and happiness, for most. But for those who have lost a loved one, it can be a time of loneliness and grief. As we approach the Christmas...

What's Our Path?

Pastor Jen delves into Mark 1:7-11, being geographically challenged, and new paths that give us a wonderful opportunity to experience God's love.

New Beginnings!

Hi Friends! I would like to invite you to take part in a journey led by the Lord as we begin a new church in Bryan College Station. While we might not have a perman...

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